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Lindsay & Travis | Maryland Theatre

Lindsay & Travis had a perfect September wedding at the venue the historic Maryland Theatre, within the heart of Hagerstown, Maryland!

The moment I walked into the getting ready room, the love these girls had for Lindsay was overflowing. You could tell she had a very special bond with each of her bridesmaids. From cracking jokes and sharing inside stories, these ladies were full of energy and ready to get Lindsay hitched! Though more specifically, the maid of honor helped to make the day more unique and special for Lindsay & Travis. 

I’m probably a broken record, but I LOVE the speeches at weddings. Lindsay’s lifelong best friend, Lauren, had a speech full of sentiments and laughter, with a fun surprise at the end. What Lindsay didn’t know, was that Lauren had gathered numerous photos of her and Travis, to create a special video collage during the reception. This brought many tears to eyes!

But that wasn’t the only fun piece of the reception. After the sentiments were over, these friends and family knew how to get DOWN on the dance floor!! Lindsay & Travis’s wedding is definitely going down in the books as one of the most lively wedding receptions I’ve experienced. It was the kind of party you just couldn’t leave– and no one wanted to! It was a blast to be a part of.

Lindsay & Travis,

Thank you for letting me be part of your engagement journey. It was such a pleasure to be part of your special day. The whole day was filled with love. I wish you all the best 🙂



Wedding details
Getting ready
Bridesmaids getting ready
First Look at the Maryland Theatre
Bridal Party
Lindsay & Travis
Wedding at the Maryland Theatre
Lindsay & Travis at the Maryland Theatre

Lindsay & Travis
Reception Details
Husband and Wife First Dance
Wedding Reception
When “The Time Of My Life” comes on and the bride does the infamous move from Dirty Dancing!

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